Friday, November 7, 2008
This video was made from fraps then taken into Vegas and editted to put each 30 second fraps video together because our file was not working 100% in UT as all the particles in the package did not load.
The reason why i did it with fraps was so that the level did have particles rather than having none and that it was the final map rather than having just Kismet and Matinee.
In these images it shows aspects of my work in Matinee in this assignment, with images of doors which move outwards, secret doors which look like pillars that also move and movers around the map, the movers are paced at different speeds to reiterate the idea of "time" and how that related to hide and seek.
Images which could not be captured were from the cinematic sequence as it would only be a still image of the player.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Hide and seek - Matinee
In relations to matinee i made movers, doors and cinematic sequences and teleporters - as matinee invovled the movement of the player.
Movers (Lifts)- Made at different speeds so that the player could feel as if he/she was running away from something or to find the person who is hiding. Some movers have been made to loop(repeat) so that they are constantly moving to create a stop in time to wait for the lift to move to other levels. The idea here is that it makes the player feel a sense of uneasiness weather it be trying to run away to find a place to hide or to catch the person hiding.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Matinee experimental video clip
In this clip i demonstrated the techniques of matinee which are releveant to my groups assignment.
With a mover(lift) bound by barriers, in this i learnt that i could not attach the barriers to the mover and had to also make them interpactors aswell and move in time with the mover, this is something relevant which i figured out as i did not want the player to fall off the mover as it would become irritating.
With the doors, i made three which my team mates could choose from for our environment with 3 different sounds attached to each door.
The cinematic sequance i made is triggered as soon as the game is played, with kind of an introduction to the environment- something which i would consider for the final environment.
Monday, November 3, 2008
UT3 - "Hide and Seek"
Group Members: Jae(Kismet), Nikolina(Particles), myself(Matinee)
My group decided that it would be a possibility that we may not use much lighting in our environment and only have lights go on where the player is inside the map or either trying to figure out a way of putting a light onto the player so that the player can only see what is ahead of him/her.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Epicenter of explosion from experiment 1 (GLASS)
In this model i intend to represent windows on the facade of the cactus model to convey glass. To represent the initial explosion from the epicenter and represent how glass is broken. With smaller and more compact lofts closer to the epicenter to larger lofts which spread out. The location of the epicenter would be in the middle of the windows. This model will be based on my CUSTOM made machinima, which represents different explosions - small, medium and large. To represent this idea, the lofts will exagerate a large explosion witht he snow-ball effect. The shape of the lofts will be very edgey and sharp rather than curvy and smooth emphasising that the material shattereing is glass.
Model 2 (Y%=44):
This model is slightly different in that it is based on the FOUND machinima from experiment 1(mainly the effect of a bullet being fired into a glass material and how this creates porosity), attempting to create space with the constraints from the percentage given on the volumetric parameter. The model will represent the breaking down of glass into smaller grains to permeate the space around it, with the initial impact of a bullet on the epicenter of the model and how it breaks through to the other end of the model. From the point of its contact with the model to the point it leaves the model, between these points it will show how the glass shatters in the direction of the moving bullet. Resulting in the creation of porosity from a massive amount of mass to which nearly half was taken out from the explosion.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
My hypothesis is that the effect of an explosion on glass, a material that has no porosity, will create porosity.
I brought together small, medium and large elements of explosion (driving through the glass, exploding a small room with a glass window, and blowing up a 3 storey glass building) to test the effect of explosions on a space and the glass objects within that space. The result was that porosity was created when the glass was broken as the grains of glass permeate the space around it when the glass shatters.
Porosity is a measure of the unoccupied spaces in a material. Initially, I thought about common things with porosity such as rocks and soil, but after considering the idea of explosions, I thought about glass and what happens when it breaks. After some research, I found that glass, a solid that has no porosity, could be changed to have porosity when it breaks into grains of glass, or when it is grinded into powder. Once the glass particles are melted back together, the porosity will disappear and this is why glass is transparent.
I wanted to demonstrate severe impact and snow-ball effect of an explosion on glass by showing glass breaking (the individual inter-atomic bonds between them) through the most common means, such as striking it with a solid force (eg a man running through a glass pane; a bullet), hitting it with loud sound (sound and energy waves/vibrations), and when hot water is poured into a glass of water.
I used the classic Expository mode of documentary as I used text to directly speak to the viewer and in this text, I tried to form a very strong, authoritative, and objective point of view. I did this by asking the rhetorical question “but what happens when it (glass) is broken?”, and I used images to interpret and advance my argument. The text fixes the meaning of the images and the audience is expected to trust and accept my narration. I coupled multiple images of glass breaking and it is all very dramatic in order to persuade my audience to believe and share my view- that glass, traditionally believed to have no porosity, can in fact demonstrate porosity when broken (by the impact of an explosion).
Final Machinima clips
- IANSA Breaking Glass FX, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 17th August,
- Smashing Glass of Water, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 17th August,
- 3D glass break, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 17th August,
- Bullet Time 01, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 17th August,
- Bullet going into glass in slow-motion (FAKE), 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 17th August,
- Bullet 01, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 17th August,
- Glass Destroyed by Sound Wave, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 17th August,
Audio: V2 Johann Pachelbel Canon in D [Electric Guitar], 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 17th August,
Video: Sony Vegas 8 (30 day trial)
AUDIO: Motley Crue- Too Young to Fall In Love
The clip below was made in the early stages of my planning in relationship to nuclear strikes and porosity on architecture. The idea which i had was how the nuclear force would shift out from the centre and destroy everything in its path within a certain radius. To make it a little more interesting i decided to have a story line - which was a video on North Korean propoganda, which the North Korean Government would play to it's people.
- ~ Seven Years Of War ~ Nuclear Plant, 2008 YouTube, LLC , accessed 15th August,
Spaceship nuclear explosion 3D animation, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 15th August,
- Halo Wars Trailer #2, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 15th August,
- Halo & Gears of war Vs. Alien & Predator, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 15th August,
- Halo Wars, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 15th August,
Audio: Carmina Burana - O Fortuna by Carl Orff
Video: Made in Sony Vegas 8 (30 day trial)
3 x 10 second clips with grid:
Mirror 2 of Crysis explosion
Above is my mirror of the scene in the Crysis clip - cars piled up horizontally and blown. The chain of explosions from one car to another and how porosity relates to the scenario, how each car would be blown away and affect the environment/space.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Machinima of Explosion
The way in which i interpreted the idea that was trying to be conveyed was to let the audience experience the power and excitement of combining a number of objects together and watching them explode. The chain of events leading from one object to the other, such as watching army vehicles being dropped from the sky. What i find interesting is how much power is being thrown at the audience, because the audience experiences this in the virtual world it is intriguing as it would never be experienced in reality